Posts Tagged "cats"

Valparaíso, Chile: Alleyways, Animals, and 100-year-old Funiculars on an Ocean Hillside.

Posted by on Jan 28, 2013 in Chile, South America, Travel Blog and Destinations | 0 comments

Valparaíso, Chile: Alleyways, Animals, and 100-year-old Funiculars on an Ocean Hillside.

The first city in Chile I fell for was Valparaiso. Just a two hour bus trip away from Santiago you can trade a desert of buildings and a sandstorm city bustle for a vertical jungle of art and culture. The city is built on a very steep hill, so very unlike Santiago, the women are mostly in flats.       The landscape here is intricate; the towers of neighbourhoods are painted in cherry, lavender, sunshine yellow, and lines of tangled black wires. Even the view from far above the colour can tease you as you find a set of impossibly steep steps to reach a new discovery.  I found...

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