Posts Tagged "Rapa Nui"

Easter Island / Rapa Nui: Tongariki

Posted by on Nov 12, 2014 in Easter Island, South America, Travel Blog and Destinations | 0 comments

Easter Island / Rapa Nui: Tongariki

At the base of the extinct volcano Poike, looking away from the distant shores of Chile is the largest ceremonial platform, and an example of the pinnacle of moai construction; Tongariki. Fifteen moai each about 8 m tall stand on a platform 220 m long, or  about the length of 15 city buses. (About one city bus length for each statue.) After much driving and stopping at every smaller and toppled moai on our first day on the island, Tongariki was not only significantly larger, but also restored and fully upright. “Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about!” my travel...

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Easter Island: Arriving in Rapa Nui

Posted by on Jul 15, 2013 in Easter Island, South America, Travel Blog and Destinations | 0 comments

Easter Island: Arriving in Rapa Nui

The day I awoke and patted Dave on the head to say “Hey, wake up, we’re going to Easter Island today!” was surreal. If I was irritatingly chipper waking him up every other morning, this was surely the one that took it. We grabbed a cab before the sun came out and got to to airport with time to spare. We were bumped up to first class for out 5.5 hour flight from Santiago, which never fails to thrill me. I could extend my legs fully and kick my feet around in the air, which I did. With glee. We arrived in the tiny IPC airport on the island’s only city; Hanga Roa. I...

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